Zen Moana

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Name Moana
Colour Mock-Chocolate Fox
Type Standard
Sex Female
Date of Birth 18 January 2017
Sire Zen Tristan
Dam Zen Belle


Sire Zen Tristan Chinchilla Fox Standard Zen Aether Pink Eyed White Standard Zen Zeus Bone Agouti Fox Standard
Zen Fleur Delacour Bone Marked Standard
Zen Megaera Chinchilla Standard Zen Erebus Bone Agouti Fox Standard
Zen Chan Havana Longcoat
Dam Zen Belle Bone Standard Zen Briareus Bone Standard Zen Aether Pink Eyed White Standard
Andromeda’s Estela Reverse Siamese Standard
Zen Merryweather Bone Standard Zen Aether Pink Eyed White Standard
Zen Kenzi Bone Longcoat